load - to load data
miss,missrv -- replace missing value with number and vice versa
packr -- remove all rows of matrix with missing values
To set a seed to create reproducible simulation results:
rndseed 2006; @where 2006 could be any number@
at the top of the program. The rndseed command is documented on p. rndnseed is documented on p. 28-668 of the Gauss 7.0 manual.) Then just use the usual
to create normal random variables.
To run the program divyield.prg type
nice --adjustment=19 tgauss -b divyield.prg
If the program only takes a minute or two to run you can just use
tgauss -b divyield.prg
To run it a second time just use the up arrow to get the same command back
To edit a divyield.prg just use emacs divyield.prg.
You probably want two versions of putty open at the same time, one
to run gauss. The other to edit the file.
To run gauss without having to keep a window open, you can type following command where here I assume fx.prg is the name of the program you are running:
nice --adjustment=19 nohup tgauss -b fx.prg &
Since this is to long for me to remember. I usual copy this into a file in the same directory where fx.prg sits using emacs. Then I save the file as say "r" or any other file name. Then on the command line I type
chmod u+x r
which allows the file to be executed. All this only needs to be done once. Then each time you want to run the program you just type
from the command line in the directory where fx.prg is in.
To see if the program is still running you would type
Here is a link with more and explanation and details on job control